You've Ignored the Pain .... Now it Hurts so BAD .... Pain Killers don't help!
So you've ignored the pain until you CAN'T ignore it any longer. NOW WHAT?
If you're like most're looking for options. I tried Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage...none of them made a difference. I later learned that these healing methods are "preventative", they are not urgent remedies , and when you get to this stage, you need URGENT relief! In fact - You've probably already scheduled an appointment with your doctor. Perhaps you've started with the Steroid shots they recommend, hoping to reduce the inflammation of the nerve? If they're working...count yourself lucky. They did nothing for me. :-( I tried everything the doctors suggested...and was STILL in pain! So, I know what you're feeling. I was a bonehead and waited over a year before I even considered getting help!
When the pain is this bad...your options are limited!
#1 The Medical Option
For a detailed report on the effectiveness of Medical options for back pain
Fill out the form below. |
#2 The Bio-mechanical Option
IF you choose this option, commit to take action the moment you receive the program! This WILL relieve your pain!!